Multivitamins & Minerals

Multivitamins and Minerals dietary supplement product that contains the highest amount and types of vitamins and minerals. 


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PV: 80
Vitamins are nutrients that the body needs in small quantities, but it is essential. It functions as both an antioxidant and a stimulant for several metabolic processes. If the body is deficient in vitamins and minerals, it may result to illness or unknowingly develop unwanted symptoms.
Minerals are nutrients that do not provide energy. The body does not require that much but it can’t be missed out as it is a nutrient that is necessary for the body to strengthen and regulate various functions such as help muscles to function normally, help regulate hormones and maintain the balance of fluid circulation in the body, etc. It is also vital to the body’s structure, component for cells, tissues and nerves, including enzymes, hormones, and different vitamins.
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